03 September 2007

Blue Ocean Strategy - Defying Conventional Wisdom: Sold to the highest bidder

Blue Ocean Strategy - Defying Conventional Wisdom: Sold to the highest bidder

Blue Ocean Strategy is all about challenging conventional wisdom – questioning taken-for-granted assumptions, and overstepping industry boundaries. It’s a frame of mind of continuously questioning and searching for a different angle and fresh perspective. You can draw inspiration from everyday life, and train your mind by having a discerning view of the world around you. Consider the following bit of comic insight as example of challenging conventional wisdom.

Sold to the highest bidder
In order to promote free enterprise as well as to greatly increase town revenues, municipalities should position and operate road signs and traffic lights based on public auctions. This would enable busier or more prominent residents to pay for the convenience of customized traffic flows. For example, a VIP resident could pay for the convenience of having favorable traffic lights installed from the end of her driveway all the way to work and back. This system would also inject a spirit of joviality and fun competition into neighborhoods. For example, to humor a neighbor one could pay to have consecutive speed bumps installed right in front of his house, and to designate a “no parking” zone all around his property.

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