21 August 2007

Blue Ocean Strategy - Defying Conventional Wisdom: Six-week sneeze

Blue Ocean Strategy - Defying Conventional Wisdom: Six-week sneeze

Blue Ocean Strategy is all about challenging conventional wisdom – questioning taken-for-granted assumptions, and overstepping industry boundaries. It’s a frame of mind of continuously questioning and searching for a different angle and fresh perspective. You can draw inspiration from everyday life, and train your mind to have a discerning view of the world around you. Consider the following bit of comic insight as examples of challenging conventional wisdom.

Six-week sneeze

There are some fascinating statistics out there that reveal the total time we spend on various repetitive activities in our lifetime. For example, researchers may show that during our life we will spend on average six weeks sneezing, or ten years just watching TV. Even if we could not alter the total time we spend on each activity, just being able to set our own scheduling for them would open up some very exciting possibilities. For example, what if one could opt to shave non-stop for the next two months but then never have to bother with it ever again? Or if you could choose to take an eight-year nap and then stay awake for the next two decades straight?

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