Business Strategy Articles : Discover the truth about elearning strategy and the simple insights to applying it in any business by Beth Childing
When it comes to elearning strategy, there is an endless array of information which adds confusion and misunderstanding as to what exacly it is, and how it can apply to business and industry. Elearning strategy involves more than just the interface of technology and learning in the workplace. There are numerous considerations. How does it operate within any particular business? what are its advantages and pitfalls? what are some of the essentials in choosing elearning providers for your particular situation. These are important questions that need clear answers inorder to reap the rewards of elearning within any organization. This article seeks to explore solutions and important factors in fully answering these key questions.
Before delving into the rationale behind elearning strategy and how to implement it in a business, it is first necessary to gain a firm handle on what exactly it is. It can be simply defined as any use of technology to assist in the learning process. Over the years, it has become synonomous with virtual learning. Nevertheless, elearning strategy can be applied to a variety of situations where the dissemination of knowledge and training components is accomplished through various modes, including websites, CD-ROM, PDAs and even mobile phones. There is almost always some form of internet interface involved in its delivery. Frequently, it is interspersed with other pedalogical approaches such as classroom instrucion, on the job training, and roundtable discussion groups. There are indeed a wide spectrum of interventions. It is clear that there must be enormous benefits and payoffs for using it within any enterprise to justify the considerable effort and expense needed to deploy it,so what exactly are some of these advantages?
There are numerous incentives utilizing elearning strategy within any given entity. The key ingredient is to understand that elearning must be predicated on a strong business case. It is essential that this business case focuses on revenue generation and cost savings. By doing so, it elists the enthusiastic endorsement of company decision makers who see the potential for increased profit generation down the road. cost Savings can be established through decreased travel time to reach geographically dispersed employees, improved efficiencies in resource personnel, and decreased physical requirements. It is not intended to override real world experience as the ultimate teaching tool, rather to enhance it. By using variety in the delivery methods, learner retention and performance can be greatly improved, leading to greater employee participation and its positive consequences. There is no doubt, the impetus to incorporate more elearning strategy within any given company will only increase in the years to come, as competiton becomes more fierce. However,it is also important to be mindful of the pitfalls.
One of the greatest traps that you can fall into when implementing elearning strategy is allowing the technology to drive the overall goal of the program. Instead it must be firmly established first what the technological needs are, and then design a program based around those requirements. It is is the design stage that elearning begins to cater to the preferred learning style of the user.Including sound, text, animation and images will allow greater facilitation to all learners. It is important though that this should always be chosen within the context of what is the best media for the specific content being taught, ensuring the optimal learning experience. The bottom line is, if the wrong approach is used, elearning can be expensive to implement and update. This underlies the fact that you need a solid handle on what the most important factors are when choosing providers and programs.
Choosing the right elearning program for your specific business goals need not be as daunting as it first appears. It cannot be emphasized enough that the critical task here is to determine the level of student readiness at the outset combined with a crystal clear definition of the learning objectives. Once this is accomplished, you will have the right framework for choosing software and other tools. With the wide range of learning platform providers competing for a limited pool of dollars, it is essential not to be mesmerized by all of the flashy bells and whisltles in any given program. A long list of features doesn't necessarily lead to a more efficient and productive learning experience. Evaluate in very detailed and specific terms, what are your core measures of success, and use this along with your goals, and learner readiness to determine the right options.
One point is very evident in exploring elearning strategy - technology is the means not the end. Elearning strategy is an endeavor that must serve the aspirations of both the learner and the organization. The proliferation and success of elearning is largely dependant on a careful determination and decision making process related to a given set of goals and the design of quality learning enabled through technology. Within every elearning situation, there is a solution. The wonderful thing about technology today is that it will continue to allow us to push the boundaries of what is possible.
About the Author
Beth Childing is a lifelong learning enthusiast who has worked both as a teaching profession and educational consultant in industry. She runs an informational website with a wide variety of resources on elearning strategy, and unique information on development, design, and providers. To take advantage of this excellent resource go to Elearning Strategy
Source: Business Strategy articles at
09 July 2008
Discover the truth about elearning strategy and the simple insights to applying it in any business
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