What is BOS?
Nine Key Points of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)
BOS is the result of a decade-long study of 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 industries over 100 years (1880-2000).
BOS is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost.
The aim of BOS is not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean, thereby making the competition irrelevant.
BOS offers a set of methodologies and tools to create new market space.
While innovation has been seen as a random/experimental process where entrepreneurs and spin-offs are the primary drivers – as argued by Schumpeter and his followers – BOS offers systematic and reproducible methodologies and processes in pursuit of innovation by both new and existing firms.
BOS frameworks and tools include: strategy canvas, value curve, four actions framework, six paths, buyer experience cycle, buyer utility map, and blue ocean idea index.
These frameworks and tools are designed to be visual in order to not only effectively build the collective wisdom of the company but also to effectively execute through easy communication.
BOS covers both strategy formulation and strategy execution.
The three key conceptual building blocks of BOS are: value innovation, tipping point leadership, and fair process.
Source: http://www.blueoceanstrategy.com/about/whatis.html
22 November 2007
What is BOS?
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About the book - Blue Ocean Strategy
About the book - Blue Ocean Strategy
In a book that challenges everything you thought you knew about strategic success, W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne argue that tomorrow’s leading companies will succeed not by battling competitors, but by creating “blue oceans” of uncontested market space ripe for growth.
BLUE OCEAN STRATEGYTM provides a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant. In this frame-changing book, Kim and Mauborgne present a proven analytical framework and the tools for successfully creating and capturing blue oceans.
Source: http://www.blueoceanstrategy.com/about/about.php
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INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute
The INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute is located in the forest of Fontainebleau, once the historic royal hunting grounds of France’s former kings. Tucked in the center of the beautifully maintained forest, which stretches some 50 square miles, making it the second largest forest in France, is the equally historic and charming town of Fontainebleau. Fontainebleau is perhaps best known for its chateau and as the historic site where Napoleon bid his farewell at the Cour des Adieux.
Located just opposite INSEAD, the world’s second largest business school, which is attended by students of over 50 different nationalities, is the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute (IBOSI). IBOSI is situated in the distinguished hotel particulier now known as Le Cercle. The architectural splendor of Le Cercle makes it one of the most imposing and inspiring buildings in the Fontainebleau region. Such is its pedigree that it once served as the residence of several royal families in Europe. Today it is a thriving juxtaposition of all that is ancient with the best of modern technology, making it a unique and exceptional Institute setting.
The IBOSI was launched in 2007 as a result of the surging interest around the globe in the theory of Blue Ocean Strategy. Both theoretically grounded and action oriented with practical tools, frameworks and analytics that can be applied by any organization, Blue Ocean Strategy has garnered interest from companies on every continent, governments, and non-profit organizations across the globe. To date, the book itself is coming out in a record-breaking 39 languages and is the fastest selling book in Harvard Business School Press’s history. Professors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, the co-creators of Blue Ocean Strategy, serve as the Founders and Directors of the Institute.
IBOSI has an ambitious, two-pronged mission:
to make a major theoretical and scientific contribution to the fields of strategy and management through ongoing academic research on Blue Ocean Strategy
to make a major contribution to practice and the performance of companies, governments, and organizations around the world through the practical application of these ideas in action.
This two-pronged mission is a direct reflection of Professor Kim and Mauborgne’s fundamental belief that theory and practice should inspire, enrich and inform one another to maximize mutual gain and advancement for the benefit of all.
To learn more, the official INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute site will be coming soon.
Source: http://www.blueoceanstrategy.com/institute/institute.html
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