28 August 2007

Blue Ocean Strategy - Defying Conventional Wisdom: Very Cherry

Blue Ocean Strategy - Defying Conventional Wisdom: Very Cherry

Blue Ocean Strategy is all about challenging conventional wisdom – questioning taken-for-granted assumptions, and overstepping industry boundaries. It’s a frame of mind of continuously questioning and searching for a different angle and fresh perspective. You can draw inspiration from everyday life, and train your mind to have a discerning view of the world around you. Consider the following bit of comic insight as examples of challenging conventional wisdom.

Very cherry
Why do dried cherries cost so much? They cost 5-6 dollars for a small container, when by comparison raisins, which are dried grapes, are a fraction of that price. Both are abundant, locally grown produce of roughly the same size, so why the big price difference? Perhaps there is a powerful cherry drying cartel a la OPEC, which has been very successful at keeping prices artificially elevated.

Track and field
Just to add a layer of excitement for both athletes and spectators, what if in track and field the landing pit for the long jump would be filled with quicksand?

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